

The stacks-private-alleles script will extract private allele data from the populations program outputs and output useful summaries and prepare it for plotting. To do so, a user will supply the populations.sumstats.tsv file containing the 'parental' populations which were used to define private alleles. A VCF file from the 'hybrid' populations is also provided which may contain those private alleles. The script can optionally export a set of VCF files, one per parental population, that list SNPs with the non-private allele as 'REF' and the private allele as 'ALT' for plotting (known as polarizing the alleles). Finally, the script can also provide the frequency of the private alleles in the 'hybrid' population, smoothed, also for plotting values along a chromosome.

Program Options

stacks-private-alleles --sumstats path --vcf path --out-path prefix [--popmap path] [--polarize] [--plots] [--smooth] [--sigma size]

Other Pipeline Programs

Raw reads


Execution control

Utility programs