Pipeline Core
- ustacks - The unique stacks program will take as input a set of
short-read sequences and align them into exactly-matching stacks. Comparing the stacks it will
form a set of loci and detect SNPs at each locus using a maximum likelihood.
- cstacks - A catalog can be built from any set of samples processed
by the ustacks program. It will create a set of consensus loci, merging alleles together. In the case
of a genetic cross, a catalog would be constructed from the parents of the cross to create a set of
all possible alleles expected in the progeny of the cross.
- sstacks - Sets of stacks constructed by the ustacks program can be
searched against a catalog produced by the cstacks program. In the case of a genetic map, stacks
from the progeny would be matched against the catalog to determine which progeny contain which
parental alleles.
- gstacks - For de novo analyses, this program will pull in paired-end
reads, if available, assemble the paired-end contig and merge it with the single-end locus, align reads
to the locus, and call SNPs. For reference-aligned analyses, this program will build loci from the
single and paired-end reads that have been aligned and sorted.
- populations - This program will be executed in place of the exisiting genotypes
program when a population is being processed through the pipeline. The populations program will output site level SNP calls (in VCF format)
and will compute summary statistics such as Pi, Fis, and Fst.
Raw Reads
- process_radtags - examines raw reads from an Illumina sequencing run and first,
checks that the barcode and the RAD cutsite are intact (correcting minor errors). Second, it slides a window down
the length of the read and checks the average quality score within the window. If the score drops below 90%
probability of being correct, the read is discarded.
- process_shortreads - performs the same task as process_radtags for fast cleaning of randomly
sheared genomic or transcriptomic data.
- clone_filter - take a set of paired-end reads and reduce them according to PCR clones
(a PCR clone is a pair of reads that match exactly, while paried-end reads from two different DNA molecules will nearly
always be slightly different lengths).
- kmer_filter - allows paired or single-end reads to be filtered according to the number or
rare or abundant kmers they contain. Useful for both RAD datasets as well as randomly sheared genomic or transcriptomic data.
Pipeline Execution
- denovo_map.pl - executes each of the stacks components to create a genetic linkage map, or
to identify the alleles in a free-standing population. It also handles uploading data to the database.
- ref_map.pl - takes reference-aligned input data and executes each of the stacks components,
using the reference alignment to form stacks, and identifies alleles. Can be used in a genetic map of a free-standing
population. It also handles uploading data to the database.
Utility Programs
- stacks-dist-extract - pull data distributions from the log and distribs files produced
by the Stacks component programs.
- stacks-integrate-alignments - take loci produced by the de novo pipeline, align them
against a reference genome, and inject the alignment coordinates back into the de novo-produced data.
- stacks-private-alleles - extract private allele data from the populations program outputs
and output useful summaries and prepare it for plotting.