
The program will execute the Stacks pipeline by running each of the Stacks components individually. It is the simplest way to run Stacks and it handles many of the details, such as sample numbering and loading data to the MySQL database, if desired. The program performs several stages, including:

  1. Running ustacks on each of the samples specified, building loci and calling SNPs de novo in each sample.
  2. Executing cstacks to create a catalog of all loci across the population (or from just the parents if processing a genetic map). Loci are matched up across samples according to sequence similarity.
  3. Next, sstacks will be executed to match each sample against the catalog. In the case of a genetic map, the parents and progeny are matched against the catalog.
  4. In the case of a population analysis, the populations program will be run to generate population-level summary statistics. If you specified a population map (-O option) it will be supplied to populations. If you are analyzing a genetic map, the genotypes program will be executed to generate a set of markers and a set of initial genotypes for export to a linkage mapping program.
  5. Computation is now complete. If database interaction is enabled, will upload the results of each stage of the analysis: individual loci, the catalog, matches against the catalog, and genotypes or sumamry statistics into the database.
  6. Lastly, if database interaction is enabled, will be run to build a database index to speed up access to the database and enable web-based filtering.

Specifying Samples

The raw data for each sample in the analysis has to be specified to Stacks. All of your samples have to be sepcified together for a single run of the pipeline. There are two ways to do this in First, each sample can be specified separately on the command line. If processing a genetic map, each parent and/or progeny can be specified using -p and -r, respectively. If analyzing a population, each sample can be specified using -s (see examples below).

The second way to specify samples is to use a population map. In this case, you specify the path to the directory containing all samples using the --samples option, and then will read the contents of the population map file (specified with the -O option) and search for each specified sample in the --samples directory.

Using a population map

A population map is an optional file that contains assignments of each of your samples to a particular population. See the manual for more information on how they work. The program will not directly use the file (beyond potentially reading the sample names out of it), however it will upload the population mappings to the database for use in the web interface, if enabled. It is the populations program that acutally uses the population map for statistical calculations, and will provide the map to the populations program. You can run the populations program by hand, specifying other population maps as you like, after the pipeline completes its first execution.

Using the Database (and Web Interface)

If you have the database and web interface installed (MySQL and the Apache Webserver) then can upload the output from the pipeline to the database for viewing in a web browser. To do so:

  1. Pick a batch ID, a number to represent the batch of data processed by Stacks. Specify it to the pipeline with the -b option.
  2. Choose a database name and specify it to using the -B option. For the database to be displayed by the web interface it needs to have a "_radtags" suffix, e.g. fishstudy_radtags (this allows the web interface to ignore other databases that may be present in your server unrelated to Stacks).
  3. You can specify a description of this batch of data by specifying it with the -D option. The description will be displayed in the web interface, it can help you differentiate between different runs of the pipeline, with for example, different parameter choices.
  4. If the database already exists, you are ready to start If the database does not yet exist, you can specify the --create_db option to create it. If it already exists, but you want to delete and recreate it, specify the --overw_db option.

Different batches can be loaded into the database by running repeatedly with different batch IDs and specifying the same database. This is convenient to collect a set of pipeline runs, with different parameter settings, in one place for comparison.

If you do not wish to use the database, specify the -S option to and all database interactions will be disabled. If you want to load data into the database after a execution, you can do so using the program.

Passing additional arguments to Stacks component programs

The Stacks component programs contain a lot of possible options that can be invoked. It would be impractical to expose them all througth the wrapper program. Instead, you can pass additional options to internal programs that will execute using the -X. To use this option, you specify (in quotes) the program the option goes to, followed by a colon (":"), followed by the option itself. For example, -X "populations:--fstats" will pass the --fstats option to the populations program. Another example, -X "populations:-r 0.8" will pass the -r option, with the argument 0.8, to the populations program. Each option should be specified separately with -X. See below for examples.

When not to use

There are a few reasons to run the pipeline manually instead of using the wrapper.

  1. If you have a very large number of samples, you may not want to put them all in the catalog. In a population analysis, all of the samples specified to will be loaded into the catalog. In a de novo analysis, each sample added to the catalog will also add a small fraction of error to the catalog. With a very large number of samples, the error can overwhelm true loci in the population. In this case you may only want to load a subset of each population in your analysis.
  2. Again, if you have a lot of samples, you may want to speed your analysis by splitting up your samples and running them on a number of nodes in a cluster. In this case, you would have to queue up ustacks to run on different nodes with different samples. This can't be done using

Program Options -p path -r path [-s path] -o path [-t] [-m min_cov] [-M mismatches] [-n mismatches] [-T num_threads] [-A type]
[-O popmap] [-B db -b batch_id -D "desc"] [-S -i num] [-e path] [-d] [-h]

Specify each sample separately:

Specify a path to samples and provide a population map:

Stack assembly options:

Advanced (rarely used) options:

Database options:

SNP Model Options (these options are passed on to ustacks):

Arbitrary command line options:

Example Usage

Genetic map

  1. This example will run the pipeline for a genetic map, having specified two parents and three progeny. The pipeline will tell the internal programs to use 15 processors (-T) and the results will be uploaded to the tut_radtags database, after the database is created.

    % -m 3 -M 3 -n 2 -T 15 -B tut_radtags -b 1 --create_db -A CP \ -D "Genetic Map RAD-Tag Samples" \ -o ./stacks \ -p ./samples/f0_male.fq \ -p ./samples/f0_female.fq \ -r ./samples/progeny_01.fq \ -r ./samples/progeny_02.fq \ -r ./samples/progeny_03.fq


  1. This example will run the pipeline for a population analysis, having specified five samples to be analyzed. The pipeline will tell the internal programs to use 15 processors (-T) and the results will be uploaded to the fishstudy_radtags database after it is created.

    % -m 3 -M 3 -n 2 -T 15 -B fishstudy_radtags -b 1 --create_db \ -D "Population RAD-Tag Samples, m:3;M:3;n:2" \ -o ./stacks \ -s ./samples/indv_01.fq \ -s ./samples/indv_02.fq \ -s ./samples/indv_03.fq \ -s ./samples/indv_04.fq \ -s ./samples/indv_05.fq

  2. Now I can run the pipeline a second time, having incremented the batch ID, this time trying a different set of parameters. Once complete, both batch 1 and 2 will be avilable for viewing in the web interface.

    % -m 5 -M 4 -n 2 -T 15 -B fishstudy_radtags -b 2 \ -D "Population RAD-Tag Samples, m:5;M:4;n:2" \ -o ./stacks \ -s ./samples/indv_01.fq \ -s ./samples/indv_02.fq \ -s ./samples/indv_03.fq \ -s ./samples/indv_04.fq \ -s ./samples/indv_05.fq

  3. In this example, I will supply a population map to containing the names of the samples I want to analyze, and instead of supplying the samples on the command line, I will just tell the directory the samples are located in. I will also use the -X option to tell populations to enable the calculation of F statistics, and will pick up the F statistics output and upload it to the database for viewing in the web interface.

    % -m 3 -M 3 -n 2 -T 15 -B treestudy_radtags -b 1 \ -D "Population RAD-Tag Samples, m:3;M:3;n:2" \ -o ./stacks \ -O ./treestudy_popmap \ --samples ./samples \ -X "populations:--fstats"

  4. In this example, I will disable database interaction, but still supply a population map and tell populations to enable F statistics.

    % -m 3 -M 3 -n 2 -b 1 -S -o ./stacks -O ./treestudy_popmap --samples ./samples -X "populations:--fstats"

The backslashes (“\”) in the commands above cause the command to be continued onto the following line in the shell (it must be the last character on the line). This can be useful when typing a long command or when embedding a command in a shell script. If you are typing the command on a single line, do not include the backslashes.

Other Pipeline Programs

Raw Reads


Execution control
